Medical School

All things related to medical school

AI in Action: How Transforms Internal Medicine Rounds

If you are on internal medicine rounds, you might be familiar with the challenge of doing mini literature reviews on the spot. You have to find relevant and reliable sources, read through them, and summarize the main points in a clear and concise way. This can be time-consuming and stressful, especially when you have other …

AI in Action: How Transforms Internal Medicine Rounds Read More »

The Detailed Guide to Filtered Decks & Anki and Why it’s The Ultimate Solution to Your Study Needs

What are Filtered Decks? While Anki can be a helpful tool for studying, many beginners find that their control over their learning is limited by the standard queue of cards in their deck. Anki presents the cards the user is about to forget and a daily limit of new cards. Studying like this can make …

The Detailed Guide to Filtered Decks & Anki and Why it’s The Ultimate Solution to Your Study Needs Read More »